Feel free to contact us with any issue, question, problem or praise that you may have. We usually answer emails within 1 business day, and are available by phone 10am-4pm M-F, Mountain Standard Time.
Office Address
Use for letters and payments only - no packages accepted at this location:
Djembe Direct
440 N. Barranca Ave. #4483
Covina, CA 91723
Warehouse Address
Use for product shipments, returns, and packages - no payments accepted at this location:
Djembe Direct
Roseburg, OR 97471
Direct Phone Number: (720) 500-5539 (call or text)
Outside the United States: +1 (720) 500-5539
Please email us by using the contact form below, or send to sales at djembe direct dot com. We will respond as quickly as we are able to.
Contact Form:
Use this form to signup for our mailing list, tell us about products you would like to see us carry,
or ask us a question. We appreciate your feedback!